Trains and passengers in a Metro Station


The Bard Group is an institutional sales coaching firm that specializes in working with clients to prepare for and deliver winning presentations.

As salespeople become more experienced, they develop skills, talents, and abilities, and their success and accomplishments are proof that what they are doing works. So they continue to do more of the same. But, to borrow from Marshall Goldsmith, “What got you here won’t get you there.” As their work grows more complex and their organizations rely on them to win increasingly more business, sales professionals need to acquire a next-level set of complementary behaviors — behaviors that build on the skills, talents, and abilities that they already have. 

The behaviors we teach are forged from deep experience and wisdom accrued over 30 years in institutional sales. These behaviors and techniques are not commonly understood or applied. They are nuanced, subtle, and sophisticated in their simplicity. And, they can be learned.

Our coaching focuses on the intersection of three disciplines that are proven to win more deals: 
1. A compelling story that is all about the buyer;
2. Clear and crisp visuals that support your story; and 
3. An engaged buyer who feels a deep connection to you and your solution. 

Transformation happens

Transformation happens at the intersection

Our coaching is real-world and real-time. We coach you on how to apply new techniques as you prepare for live deals. What’s important is that you are able to confidently and successfully apply these behaviors and techniques and make them your own. Our mission is to enable you to transform your client meetings in ways that lead to transformational growth for your business.