An incredibly vibrant pink and purple sunrise over the Potomac River at Great Falls Park during a late October morning.


When your client is engaged during a meeting there is a whirl of positive energy that is palpable. What’s more, you can see it happening. When the client is engaged, they are listening and asking questions. They are taking notes. They maintain eye contact. Their body language is mirroring yours because the mirror neurons in their brain are fired up. They are leaning in to the conversation, literally.

Webcam pc screen view during group video call, many faces diverse colleagues participating in on-line meeting led by mature 50s business lady

This isn’t just a ‘feel good’ moment, this is a game changer. When your client is engaged in a meeting, it strengthens the mental and emotional connection between you and them. Research has proven that buyers don’t think their way to decisions, they feel their way there, using facts simply to justify how they feel. When you strike both chords — thinking and feeling — you exponentially increase your probability of winning and retaining business.

The best sales executives are exceptional at engaging their clients. They understand that the client is only engaged when one of these three things is happening:

the client is only engaged when one of these three things is happening:

The buyer is talking

The buyer is talking

You are talking about them

You are talking
about them

You are making them think

You are making
them think

Everything they do is with this one clear goal in mind — to ensure an engaged buyer.